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Last year Esposo and I went on an all natural diet for a few weeks and his tia invited everyone over for flautas.  We didn’t expect to eat because we were not eating meat at the time.  To our surprise she made flautas with mashed potatoes.  She is always so considerate of us and others as well.  She wants to make sure everyone is comfortable and happy.

I remembered these flautas when I went all natural again a few months back and my goodness did I do a good job with these.

Mashed Potato Flautas

Corn Tortillas (yellow or white.  I used white)
Mashed potatoes
Shredded Cheese
1/2 cup vegetable oil

The cheese you see here is NOT cheese at all. It’s cheddar flavored rice shreds.

Heat the oil in a skillet over medium-low heat.  Make an assembly line with your corn tortillas, mashed potatoes and cheese.  Place about a tablespoon of potatoes on the center of the tortilla and spread toward the edges leaving a little space and then top with cheese.   Roll up into a taquito.  The tortillas will fold easy if you heat them up just a little not too much.  If you try to fold them unheated they will break.  Place them seem side down in the heated oil and fry them until the taquito is golden brown on both sides.  Place them on a platter lined with paper towel to drain off excess grease.

You could use refried beans in place of the potatoes as well.

Serve with a simple salad, a side of guacamole, sour cream and salsa.

I highly recommend you try this recipe the all natural way by substituting your dairy with vegan products.  You can find rice shreds and soy milk at your local grocery store.

Let me know if you try this recipe and tell me what you think.